5gen Ptimanya
These aren't the ptimanya that Emily's fielding, these are just some I made. I find this design really fun and satisfying to build, so they're propogating through my house. Everywhere you go, you step on one of these or the baby puts it in his mouth.

Its chestplate / shoulder pad things are:
2x Plate, Modified 1 x 1 with Tooth
Its gun is made of:
1x Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Studs on 2 Sides
1x Technic, Pin 3/4
1x Technic, Pin Joiner Round
1x Technic, Pin WITH Friction Ridges Lengthwise
1x Tile, Modified 1 x 2 Grill with Bottom Groove / Lip
Back view:

Its cool jet pack wings are made of:
6x Cone 1 x 1
2x Plate, Modified 1 x 1 with Clip Light - Type 2 (thick ring)
2x Slope, Curved 3 x 1 with No Studs

This one's gun is made of:
1x Brick, Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
1x Pneumatic T Piece
1x Plate 1 x 1
1x Plate, Modified 1 x 1 with Clip Light - Type 2 (thick ring)
1x Plate, Round 1 x 1
1x Technic, Pin 3/4
1x Tile, Modified 1 x 2 Grill with Bottom Groove / Lip
I like the gun even better made with
1x Space Gun / Torch
instead of the t-piece.
The wings on its elbows are:
1x Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Left
1x Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Right

For the gun:
1x Brick, Round 1 x 1 with Fins
1x Plate, Modified 1 x 1 with Clip Light - Type 2 (thick ring)
1x Technic, Axle 3
1x Technic, Axle Joiner (New Style with X Opening)
2x Tile, Modified 1 x 2 Grill with Bottom Groove / Lip
Back view:

I like those 1-shot rockets on its back a lot. They're:
4x Brick, Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
4x Cone 1 x 1
4x Lever Small Base with Lever [put the lever in upside-down]
2x Plate, Modified 1 x 1 with Clip Light - Type 2 (thick ring)
2x Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Handle - Type 1 (free ends)
2x Plate, Round 1 x 1

Meg's claimed this one for her own. She says it's because of how it looks like the cover of 1001 Nights.
Its weapon is some kind of mini-Bionicle thing. I don't know what precisely; you'd have to ask my kids.
And I'll leave you with a shot of the first one again, showing off its moves:

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