campaign battle 1

Going into the battle:
Em: society & conscience x1, economy & jobs x2, security & law enforcement x2
J: society & conscience x3, economy & jobs x1, security & law enforcement x1
Me: society & conscience x2, economy & jobs x1, security & law enforcement x2
Whoever owns the Prime Minister at the end of the battle gets +1 to their society & conscience.
Em's fielding 6 mechs with a total of 24 attachments, and 2 stations. She gets 3 points per, for a starting score of 24.
J's fielding his 5 mechs with a total of 20 attachments, and 2 stations. He gets 7 points per, for a starting score of 35. He's the defender. He owns the P.M.
I'm fielding 6 mechs with a total of 21 attachments, and 2 stations. I get 4 points per, for a starting score of 32.
Over the course of the battle, J loses 2 mechs and a station, I lose 2 mechs and gain a station (the P.M.), and Em doesn't lose or gain anything.
Final scores:
Em: 24. Society & conscience 24, economy & jobs 48, security & law enforcement 48.
J: 28. Society & conscience 84, economy & jobs 28, security & law enforcement 28.
Me: 28. Society & conscience 84, economy & jobs 28, security & law enforcement 56.

Emily, the Rasili

Joshua, the Mukun

Me, the Tarkut
The Battle
J's defending. Here's the battlefield, mostly set up:

What you can't see just by looking is Em's and my really bad, entangled setup. We both kept trying to set up not right in one another's faces, but it just didn't work out for us:

Em's stuff is in red, mine is in green, J's is in blue. See what I mean?
I'd decided my strategy days ago: give all my mechs (and mobs) green and yellow dice, and run straight for the limo. I wanted the PM bad; I was willing to lose the points battle to get the society & conscience multiplier. Oh hey, here's a shot of one of my mob units:

It's armed with a 2-way radio for a yellow die, a gun for 2 red dice at direct fire range, and two 1-shot rockets. It also gets a green die, for purposes of passing through cover.
Anyhow my "run straight for the limo" strategy worked great. I kept hitting the limo with high yellow dice and driving it out away from J's mechs and cover, so he had to run his mechs into the open to hold onto it. My grab squad booked it in there; Em didn't jump quite as fast out the gate so I engaged first:

Here it is again, with the colored spotlights to show what's whose:

I suffered the casualties for being there first! But I also managed to seize the limo. This was exactly the tradeoff I was prepared to make.

By now, doomsday is ticking close. J and Em are fighting over one of Em's stations out in the swamp - I know Em got some good pictures of that fight. J, after an initial outward press, is falling back, the worse for wear. He and I are tied at 28 points, versus Em's 24, and what does Em do? She cedes the limo to me, effectively, but she peels off one of her rearward mechs and dashes toward a station of mine that I've left totally undefended:

The doomsday clock ticks from 3 to 2. J ticks it down to 1. Normally I'd've stayed in, I think, and tried to take out one of J's two mechs down to their white dice - but this time it's 50-50 that Em will take my station away unopposed. I tick the clock from 1 to 0 and we end with a tie.
Here's the final shot of the limo furball:

(This also happens to be the best shot I have right now of one of Em's 5th generation ptimanya. It's the gray and white one waltzing with my chucker. I think she's planning a spread like J made.)
Oh! Wanna see dead citizens?

Paktalist terrorists! Rasili oppressors! You should be ashamed of yourselves.
What? Me exchanging fire with J over the heads of human shields? Absurd. It never happened, I assure you.

The end
the comment thread