In a Wicked Age
four oracles


A Penny for Your Thoughts

Blood & Sex

3D: A raving prophet, advocating self-mortification and deprivation of the appetites.

9S: The deathbed curse of a betrayed queen.

4S: A siren-ghoul, who entices the amorous into deadly peril.

3H: The sorcerously animate homunculus of a wizard, more clever than wise, recently dead.

God-kings of War

3D: A war-sorceress, slender but commanding, with golden hair.

9S: A genius of flame, imprisoned within a brass mirror.

4S: A summoner of illusions and diversions, mild and of good humor, but gullible.

3H: An unspeakable demon of atrocity and rage, bound in chains for a thousand years, aware suddenly of a minute loosening of his bonds.

the Unquiet Past

3D: The captain of a foreign troop, sent to collect tribute.

9S: The opening by sorcery of an ancient door, set in the earth over the crypts of some forgotten convent or monestary, until now sealed with potent spells.

4S: A market on the crossroads, full of sound and color.

3H: The guardian of a tomb, a statue cast in silver with ruby eyes.

a Nest of Vipers

3D: The celebration of a day sacred to the city's chief cult.

9S: A band of slavers both bold and incorrigible.

4S: One mistakenly condemned, fled into hiding.

3H: An imbiber of sorcerous drugs, seeking congress with demons.