
thread: 2008-01-07 : Another year's worth

On 2008-02-11, Christopher Kubasik wrote:

I have now become confused.

Vincent writes:

"Who gets to decide if your character's a good person? Who gets to decide if your character's sympathetic? In Shock:, you do, and the game's system is there to back you up. In Sorcerer, you don't, the game's system is there to do it, and you have to deal with that."

Ron writes:

"In Sorcerer, you don't, but you can try, and the game's system throws a monkey-wrench into your efforts. It's a real monkey-wrench, meaning that things can go much better or much worse. Outcomes are not controllable or negotiable in Sorcerer."

Wait a minute.

The Player may not control the outcome of actions, but he can certainly choose how his or her PC behaves—and that's what determines whether someone is a good person.  Right?  How do the rules of Sorcerer rules determine whether the PC is a good person?

Caveats: Of course Sorcerer characters who are committed to doing a host of bad things—but they'll have to do good things too to avoid going to Humanity 0.

What are you guys talking about?


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