
thread: 2005-05-06 : Brainstorming from the Core

On 2005-05-10, Emily Care wrote:

Purviewed/partitioned: Multi gm-d.  I'm actually thinking about the idea you had, V., about having players take different aspects of the society to provide adversity/mirroring etc.

In this case, the social groups would be: criminal gangs, paramilitary police, organized labor/poor, disorganized poor, the rich, the church. Perhaps there'd be others too. Each player takes a changeling protagonist, and holds proprietaryship over one of these areas.  'K if we steal that?

I like the pseudo-randomization, Eric.  Am I reading it correctly to mean that the character effectiveness stat becomes the number the gm has to beat? Sort of like the reverse of how difficulty levels are normally set. : )  Amusing.

It would be interesting to have mechanics that made the agenda of the social group each person holds sway over tie in to what the player wants.  Have effectiveness for the big bad, or big good, whatever it is depend on what happens in play.  Or have an over-arching agenda that the group is trying to bring into being that will be at cross purposes with 1) the other groups and 2) the protagonists. This would embody the theme extremely well.


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