
thread: 2008-03-03 : The Owe List

On 2008-03-06, Brand Robins wrote:


That's cool. I think I must now buy and Alabama die.

Of course, while it deals with the die/not die problem it doesn't deal with the forced out of the game/not forced out of the game issue.

(But then I don't have a problem with that in most games. Especially any where you have to have chosen to roll the Alabama die.)


I find it fascinating the way in which possibility can be as formative as probability.

Like, Mo is really right on in her statement of her issues. But at the same time, right now if you look at the We Owe List for our game, you will see like 3 of Mo's characters with like, 5 to 9 listings of each of their names. And the only character who has ever been forced out of the game is mine—and that because I totally chose to get the fuck-head murdered off.


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