
thread: 2005-05-06 : Brainstorming from the Core

On 2005-05-11, Vincent wrote:

Christian: "I would love to see the rebels as ambiguous, sort of like the Viet Cong, so that the issue doesn't become too clear cut. Here you are, a runaway slave, finding solace among freedom fighters—who, in the name of liberation, terrorize and kill those people who don't join the fight."

Yeah! I like that.

I suggest for mechanical situation: duress. Your character has some things called duress, with numbers attached to them, like "I must please my spouse sexually 2" or "I must withhold myself from society 3." You start with one, chosen to match your changeling status whatever it is.

Whenever the character is trying to accomplish something that doesn't actively involve those things, you get the number as a penalty to your scratch number. Like, whatever your character's trying to accomplish, if it doesn't involve pleasing her spouse sexually, you get the big -2 to it. This is hard to deal with already.

But for initial situation, you have to choose a second duress incompatible with your first, so that there's absolutely nothing you can do without taking a penalty. "I must remain celibate 3" or "I must seek out like-minded others 2." You need to come up with the changes to your character's circumstances that add this new duress.

And then the resolution rules simply need to incorporate the possibility of increasing, decreasing, removing from, and adding to your duress.


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