
thread: 2008-04-30 : Movies and TV

On 2008-05-01, Z-Dog wrote:

I spend more time telling myself who I DON'T want the Cylon to be. Adama? No way. It was just crush it for me. It actually almost blew it out of the water for me that Ty (sp?) is one. I mean, c'mon. He's 100 percent human, right? No? What! In some ways, it kinda neuters the character for me. Ty questioning way! He's all about conviction! But hey, I guess there really isn't any way to go after you kill your wife (and lived out life to it's fullest convictions by killing her). So far, the deck cargo guy being one is HOT. I loved last week: I married her 'cause it was the safest choice! That shreking wife of mine! Damn! Talk about emotional honesty!


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