thread: 2008-09-23 : Nonformalism?
On 2008-09-23, Vincent wrote:
Here's a debate I also ESPECIALLY don't want to have. Yes, the limply pimply points out that there is a (sometimes acknowledged, often unspoken) formal structure underlying even informalistic play. I know.
...That might be helpful, actually. "Informalistic" implies too much about the underlying structure, that the luffly puffly-system of play is soft and loose. I'm after a word about the superficialities of play. In some play, the underlying formal structure is given explicit voice; in the kind of play I'm talking about, it may be just as strict, formal, and structural underneath, but that's implicit, not explicit, in the voice of play.
(I kind of feel like I just said "blart! blart!" Somebody help me out.)