
thread: 2008-09-23 : Nonformalism?

On 2008-09-24, Moreno R. wrote:

Vincent, I already played a game where you can go an entire session playing like this. You have too. It's Spione.

In Dogs play, I have observed that most people after a while stop saying "I raise with" and the entire subsystem of raises and sees is played like this, talking and moving the dice without referencing them. But when you step out of that subsystem, you have to choose stakes, say the relationship you use, roll fallout, choose fallout, and it become almost impossible. It's the inverse of the paradigm of a lot of old rpgs, where you "simply roleplayed" all the times and stopped during the conflicts. (and it make more sense to me, to stop talking about points and dice and stakes when the camera close to the conflict and the dramatic music step up, not the other way around)


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