
thread: 2008-10-24 : Me and Robin Laws talk about writing

On 2008-10-31, Valamir wrote:

I dig Robin Laws.

I'll dig him more when he actually publishes a game of his own independently.

I like pretty much everything he's done, but can't think of a single game with his name on the cover that I would consider to be more than 80% finished.  But its finished enough for the publisher to go to print with so that's that.  Rune, Dying Earth, Hero Wars...I weep when I think how good those games could have been if they'd actually been fully polished and baked.

I don't know whether its the publisher's interferring, the traditional publishing model just not allowing enough time to get it right, or freelancers not having a vested stake in making what they write any better than "good enough"...but I like to think that if he were to publish something on his own...without the interference of publishers, or the time constraints of a release cycle; something that was completely his...I'd be blown away by the awesome.  Until then...I find his thoughts only partially relevant to me, and how I perceive design.


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