thread: 2008-10-24 : Me and Robin Laws talk about writing
On 2008-11-03, Brand Robins wrote:
Broad agreement.
There are a few Indie games that do this kind of thing: Reign, Hero Quest (which goes in and out of being Indie, I guess), and a few others. But by and large there is such emphasis on game as thing played rather than game as book that the actual craft of making a game fun to read (even in making the prose snap, much less the fictional weight of which you speak) has not always done well.
Really, hate to say it, but even for a shorter game I still have to read the damn thing before I can play, and there are ever so many Indie games in which that process is actively unpleasant. I counter this only with the fact that there are a lot of trad games that are just as poorly written.