
thread: 2005-02-03 : Roleplaying Theory Open House

On 2005-02-10, Dav wrote:

What, exactly is the benefit of freeform roleplaying vs. a more traditional structured roleplaying.  If the answer, in the end, boils down to: aesthetics, then that's fine, but I s'pose not truly worthy of discussion.

My question, to be a bit more narrow, would be: your games have little in the tradition of a few players and a gm... is this because you are sick of it, because commie-storytelling is better, or because of something else entirely (such as, it just happens to fit your games better, as a coincidence).

Also, check-out Jared's darkpages thing, that's kickass.

Also, how'z trix and what have I missed?  When did this start?



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