
thread: 2009-01-06 : Art, the State Thereof

On 2009-01-06, Robert Bohl wrote:

I want to see more games with an integrated story structure. I want the mechanics and setup to create a story rather than "merely" creating a series of events that have characters and theme that we identify strongly with.

I want more games that tell me how to structure a session.

I want more games with a GM that don't rely upon the GM to provide all of the moving-forward-oomph for a session. Primetime Adventures does this perfectly. It's got a GM, the GM has an important role, but the GM is not constantly required to push the story forward. All the players are required by the rules to participate in chugging things along. This is something I'm struggling with in Misspent Youth.

One answer to the above conundrum might just be "ask the other players to do it." The thing is, though, when it's part of the game rules it happens far more reliably than if it's an informal play practice thing.


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