thread: 2008-12-31 : Dunesque Mechaton Campaign
On 2009-01-12, Joshua A.C. Newman wrote:
If I win control of the August Solar Throne, it will mean the Duarch will be controlled by the Sisterhood of Taw, a puppet government. The Sisterhood's interests will be seen to first before any others.
If I win control of the Smoke, it will be hoarded and doled out as serves our purposes, a perpetual monopoly for all time. It will be used sacramentally, where the subjective nature can be taken advantage of for the interests of the Sisterhood.
If I win moral authority, the Sisterhood of Taw will realize the enormity of human and natural potential, finding peaceful existence in the natural order of things. They will revel in the quiet beauties of life while cleaving to their mandate of easing births and deaths. Empire itself will become of secondary importance as the cycles of birth and death themselves are realized to be even more august than the 10,000 year-old throne itself.
(See, the issue is, that they've never *had* moral authority. They've been viewed as a public utility and they've had to fight for the resources they've needed to provide the services they provide. They've become bitter.)
Vincent, I think your moral authority is a cop-out. I want to know what effect that has on the rest of the Empire. Like, if you win the Throne, then who cares? Your kids are the Duarch. They can do whatever they want. If you don't with the Throne, then your guys won't matter enough to be other than "that weirdo house with the inbreeding." Like that's not happening elsewhere in royal families.