
thread: 2009-01-13 : Storming the Wizard's Tower ... in SPAAACE

On 2009-01-14, Vincent wrote:

That's an interesting question. Here's a thumbnail:

Level 1 is called "Fighting Monsters." Level 1 is all I've released so far; I'm still making level 2. Level 2 is "Storming the Wizard's Tower," and throughout level 1 as GM you drop hints about this wizard guy and his tower and what's his deal, how he's increasingly a threat to the town. The transition from level 1 to level 2 is "well, seems like it's time to go take on this wizard guy. We knew it was coming and here it is."

The wizard needn't be a wizard at all. It just has to be a threat at that scale.

For a space marines and aliens thing, I can still easily see that working. All that's required is a threat at that scale.


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