
thread: 2009-05-29 : Live on the internet: Clyde and Me

On 2009-06-05, Vincent wrote:

"Worst instance of play ever" - what made it so bad? Ludicrous, extreme things in fiction and making jokes aren't automatically un-fun, so what made them un-fun in this situation? (I haven't heard the story.)

I'd suggest: if you'd had a solid working agreement about what you were there to do, and how you were going to do it, it would have been fun. Therefore, I bet you didn't have a solid working agreement; therefore, no creative agenda.

Whether as a group you had an identifiable NON-creative agenda, a social agenda best served by un-fun roleplaying, I have no idea.

Everybody: Rob, who was there, is the one saying it wasn't fun. I'm just taking his word for it AND SO SHOULD YOU.


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