
thread: 2009-06-15 : GM Agenda

On 2009-06-15, John Harper wrote:

Right now, it's written this way:

GM: Your job is to make the lives of the heroes dangerous and exciting at every opportunity. To do that: 1) Make cool threats and bring them into play. 2) Inflict danger and conditions by taking action with your threats. 3) Test the abilities of the heroes. 4) Escalate or resolve the threats (based on the actions of the heroes and the outcomes of the tests).

Then those four things are broken out and explained in detail.

I think the GM agenda is served when she calls for a roll because she's instructed to "test their abilities" as part of her job, and also because only by testing the heroes and resolving the current threats can the GM bring in the *even nastier* threats she has sitting on the sidelines.

(I guess that's part of the agenda, too, now that I think of it: To make cool threats, bring them into play, then utterly disown them. They are already dead to you. In your mind, you move on to your next, even cooler and more dangerous threats, which you can bring in once the current ones are dealt with by the heroes.)

I'm still working out how to say it, but that's the idea. I bet there are things I'm not saying that I ought to be, and vice versa.


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