
thread: 2009-06-22 : Secrets: the Smelly Chamberlain

On 2009-06-23, Brand Robins wrote:


I should add that I think most of this is paradigm stuff. Like, its all matters of interpretation and stance, and most fact claims about the SIS or lack thereof are off base because it isn't a matter of fact.

Which is why I'm always happy when Vincent talks about this stuff, despite the fact that he's all positivist about it. Even if his paradigm isn't mine, his paradigm is one that leads him to make good deductions and push his craft forward, and that's more valuable than whether or not its "factually" true.

(Where as under my paradigm this issue normally doesn't matter, unless and until the derivations in individual stories leave us in irreconcilable fictions. I've lots of ways to deal with that, so that's something I've learned. But I wouldn't have gotten some other techniques without folks like Vincent coming at it from a different angle.)


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