
thread: 2009-06-22 : Secrets: the Smelly Chamberlain

On 2009-06-23, Mathieu Leocmach wrote:

Sorry for the digression, but it makes me think of a paradox in physics. Extract of the page I was reading this very morning.

Erwin Schr??dinger in

What is life ?

[The theory of realativity revealed] that no physical cause could spread more rapidly than the speed of light[...]

Suppose a friend of mine should board a space ship traveling at half the speed of light and reach the nearest fixed star in eight or ten years. Suppose he settled down there. At a certain moment I might wonder whether he were still alive, and I should have to realize that perhaps there is no objective answer to such a question. If he 'has died', but only recently, so that a radio message carrying the news cannot yet have reached me, or if he is only 'seriously ill' and 'going to die' before my next radiogram can reach him - in both cases, it is, from the standpoint of a physicist, a question of interpretation where my friend is alive or not.

Does this ring a bell ?


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