
thread: 2009-06-22 : Secrets: the Smelly Chamberlain

On 2009-06-26, cc wrote:

" IS IT true that the Chamberlain smells, WHEN is it true that the Chamberlain smells, and WHAT MAKES it true that the Chamberlain smells?"

It is only true if the duly constituted authority agrees or asserts that it is true.

It becomes true when the duly constituted authority does so.

It is that authority that makes it true.

I see nothing here that is not a basic authority issue.  The proposed players are staging a kinda coup against the GM.  That might be a good thing, maybe they would all be better off within a distributed authority framework.  But given the framework proposed, the issue is quite simple - everything the playersd said about the chamberlain was untrue until it gained GM consent.  The conspiratorial players assertion that the chamberlain was smelly never "enters the fiction" in any meanignful sense; any number of other scenes could have been played out, featuring other NPC's, none of whom acknowledged the smelliness of the chamberlain.  The only thing that did enter the fiction was their narrated actions, which were bizarre.

Basic authority issue.  Either the GM has that authority, or the players share it.  Partial assertions made without such authority don't mean anything, they are just propositions at best, and in this case, not even that (because the proposition is concealed).


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