thread: 2009-07-13 : How About Some Q and A
On 2009-07-13, Roger wrote:
Rock of Tahamaat has rules about the transitions in IIEE—moving from Intent to Initiation to Execution to Effect.
But it doesn't have many rules actually about those things.
I'm thinking about games that flat-out tell you what your Intent is, either on a broad scale like "Reclaim the throne" or on a very small scale like "Flee the horrid face-eater."
Or in Execution, a game like RoleMaster will tell you right on the critical hit chart what actually happens during Execution. Yep, stabbed that guy right in the trachea.
(Actually, I guess RoT does have rules like "The Rock doesn't care about the names of individuals" which is flat-out a rule about Intent.)
So... I guess this should be a question, eh. My question is: am I more-or-less correct in the above? And is there useful categorical differences between rules about the states and rules about the transitions between states? I would like to read a blog post about that, but that's just me.