
thread: 2009-07-26 : Very Briefly about Authority

On 2009-07-28, Vincent wrote:

Callan: "Is there a third factor I don't know of, that aught to compel me to agree? I'm genuinely asking and trying to think of one, but can't see one."

There is! It's easy.

Put it to the test. Next time you roleplay, contradict something the GM says. Just dig in your damn heels and refuse to go along with it, like you are with me. Don't let the game proceed until the GM goes along with you instead. "No, it is not raining, it's a sunny day," for instance. Something that doesn't matter much but is clearly within the GM's authority. Stick to it until you get your way, or until the game breaks up, no compromising. Then come back and tell me what happened. Did the GM's pre-agreed authority defeat your in-the-moment refusal to grant assent?


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