thread: 2009-07-13 : How About Some Q and A
On 2009-07-29, Josh W wrote:
My first question was about the right to dream posts and associated comment threads that we were chatting in before. The whole "old" stuff is my apology for bringing back up something you were at the time clearly reluctant to engage with. My question is this, in my memory of the thread, the focus on right to dream was what is kept constant. If it is true that all CAs are about exploration, what is the exploration that is also wish-fulfilment/pedestalling a certain thing?
My approximation was that the exploration is more about seeing what it actually looks like "in practice", playing out that combination and enjoying it's various details, with the exploration and the "newness" being like the difference between a play in a book and on a stage. Is that similar to your take on it?