
thread: 2009-07-26 : Very Briefly about Authority

On 2009-08-03, Vincent wrote:

cc: Ha ha ha! You really had me going there.

"I'm not sure what it is that you think I must keep 'trying' at. Nor do I particularly see why you think I am in need of 'help'."

Oh my god you should have seen me. I was in a genuine rage until I realized that you were putting me on.

So, cool. My answer to your question in post #10 is in post #11. I'm sure you saw it, because you responded to it in post #36. Post #36 is a pretty crappy response - it's a bar to future conversation, not any kind of step forward, because it puts me in the position of having to correct you before I can answer you further - but because you had me going I'll undertake it.

Not tonight! Tomorrow. But, like, be prepared - I really am going to have to correct you before I answer you, and it may take several back-and-forths between us to really get to it.


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