
thread: 2009-07-13 : How About Some Q and A

On 2009-08-03, Vincent wrote:

I was acutely aware of IIEE in Dogs in the Vineyard. I designed its resolution rules as II>E>E quite on purpose, yes.

But for IItEEth, you have to understand, this was before I—E games even really existed. When I designed Dogs, did I know that I—E resolution would create weak, thin fiction? Probably; all of us with a grounding in successful pre-Story Games play have a gut sense for that kind of thing. What I didn't know was that I—E resolution would become so prevalent.

What I've just figured out, the impetus for these posts, is how to talk about it. Not how my games work, but how to articulate how my games work, and how other games might work differently.

Does that answer your question?


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