
thread: 2009-07-26 : Very Briefly about Authority

On 2009-08-04, Vincent wrote:

Lots to keep up with at the end of my workday! Thus quick replies only.

Ron: With you.

Josh: That all makes sense to me.

Ralph, cc: Say it with me! All well-designed games assign authority. You're both going on as though I'm arguing that they don't.

(Maybe all poorly-designed games do too, but who cares about them.)

Ralph: I cheerfully accept your correction about Universalis.

cc: "I think therefore it would be useful to separate these issues into two discussions; one being your proposition that authority should be seen as 'post-hoc and by assent', and another which addresses techniques and rule structures for resolving or obviating differing desires about what statements should be allowed to enter the IS."

Aha, yep. Right on.


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