
thread: 2009-07-26 : Very Briefly about Authority

On 2009-08-05, Moreno R. wrote:

I thought at the beginning that I understood what Vincent was saying, but after all the later posts I am not really so sure anymore. Maybe it's because I don't know Universalis e can't make Poison'd work, so i have some difficulties in following the examples...

Talking about a game that I know better, Primetime Adventures...  the game assign precise responsibilities/authorities to the players in scene framing and narration.  But this is not enough to make the game "work".  Talking about "setting expectations and granting permission" in PTA, some example could be that, by writing an issue on your character sheet, you simplicity give permission to the GM to attack, push and prod your character though that issue, and have the expectation that he will do so?

Or are you talking about something different?


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