thread: 2009-08-17 : District 9
On 2009-08-21, Joel wrote:
Just saw it with my wife.
OhmyGOD, that was a hard movie to take. It's hard to process that many people being that wretched to each other, for that long. Good movie, though. Excruciating scenes, terribly human protagonist. I put it at 70% Children of Men The faults were, aside from being a little, yes, action film-y, were that the bad guys were a little TOO bad, and the "here's" character progression a little TOO abrupt. But then it IS a crisis situation, so, hey.
the hero really only understand oppression when he's feeling it.
Perfect way to put it.
About the Aliens' intelligence and such: propaganda for SURE. or rather, just a profound unwillingness to understand and empathize. it's the age-old self-confirming cycle of putting people in horrid, animalistic conditions, seeing them behave desperately and badly, then pointing a finger and saying "see, look! they're animals!"
I mean, you give them nothing but garbage to dig in, then rag on them for digging in garbage! Sheesh, right?
Good thing it's just a crazy movie about aliens, huh?