
thread: 2009-08-31 : Space Tyranny

On 2009-09-01, Vincent wrote:

I'm looking narrowly at the question!

I think that we brought what the game provoked and inspired us to bring. I think that a well-designed game creates a vacuum that players rush to fill, and that after the fact you can look at it and go "it wasn't the game, it was us," (a) forgetting how miserable and creatively stunting it is to play a game that's not so well-designed, and (b) of course it was us! That's what a game does.

I used maybe 3 techniques that aren't in the game text itself, 2 of which are the above. The 3rd is harder to explain in a couple paragraphs, but not any more advanced or uncommon than those 2; it's simply attending to conflict in play, as GM.


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