
thread: 2009-12-04 : TAKE IT TO YOUR BLOG, BAKER

On 2009-12-05, nemomeme wrote:

I would like an example of process that incorporates the third assertion, please.  I agree with it.  I'm just not certain how to put it into action.


On D&D pacing; I think many of the DMs who make "grim and gritty" house rules aren't at all the bloodthirsty sadists they're sometimes accused of being on forums; they're just trying to get to the interesting part faster.  I like 4E and all but the characters have too many hitpoints (or the monsters don't do enough damage quickly enough) for my tastes.

I see a lot of designs, indie or otherwise, where the characters don't feel much heat or have to make a hard decision to get the things they want for a while - multiple conflicts even.  I don't like this.  My current Fate hack starts PCs with one Fate Point...


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