
thread: 2007-08-24 : Poison'd errata and Q&A

On 2010-01-05, Vincent wrote:


1) It's a mistake in the example. The GM should throw away a success.

2) It would be fulfilled as soon as Hugh McMinn didn't beat them bloody, but not necessarily at once. It'd last until Hugh McMinn certainly didn't beat them bloody.

3) The one in the pamphlet ... Well, the one in the current pamphlet. Oh hell I'll just c&p it here. This is the correct one:

Bring accursing into play if ever any player?s pirate is cursed by one with the talent or authority to make binding curses.

If accursing is in play, when the ship hunts for a prize, you get to buy its protection as though the captain?s player had named a prize 1 bigger than she did. In addition, you get 2 Xs to spend in every fight (and this is the only way you get Xs, as GM). Furthermore you may play dirty tricks with the other cruel fortunes (which, there are some; I leave their discovery to you.)

To be rid of a curse: the one who pronounced the curse can revoke it, or else one with greater talent or greater authority can counteract it.

4) Sure.


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