
thread: 2010-01-28 : Compiling

On 2010-02-01, Vincent wrote:

Simon: In my terms, that's an insight into roleplaying as a practice. I don't expect to see any exploration of it - appropriately! - except as it marries to corresponding insights of the other two sorts. There's no reason to design a game whose rules care about the preexisting relationships between the players, unless those relationships bear directly and significantly upon the game's subject matter or what the game has to say about real human nature.

In other words, I don't think that technical developments like those are very interesting by themselves. They're interesting in service to a whole game.

I can think of a few games whose rules flirt with the players' real relationships, but none that really care about them. Breaking the Ice, with its switch between the players; Sorcerer with its Sex And; Bliss Stage with its crushes and Spione with its trespasses, potentially.


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