
thread: 2010-02-23 : Can your brains just do it?

On 2010-02-24, Alex D. wrote:

You asked "Did you spot where the character's weapon comes into play?"... my opinion?

It's not explicit, but this is the place it's most likely to come in:

"1. If it might kill them, call for the player to roll for "I'm vicious."

2. If it might, at worst, cripple, maim, break, terrorize or shatter them, call for the player to roll for "I'm desperate."

3. Otherwise, call for the player to roll for "I'm craven." (If the character has no opponent, it'll always be "I'm craven.")".

The kind of weapon you have (and how you wield it!), will, of course, inform what kind of damage you can do.


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