thread: 2007-08-24 : Poison'd errata and Q&A
On 2010-03-10, Lord_Pengallan wrote:
Hi! English isn?t my first lenguage so apologize for my mistakes.
I?m not play Posion yet, but i?ll do soon and i?ve got some doubts about the matter of the mob?s battles.
When you say a player, who isn?t the captain, can spend a x after a mob fight for suffer no harm. What is that? I mean, it go well for beaten and bloodied, disabling or disfiguring and deadly wound? The harm only comes from spend x and no for escalating? And the captain, he allways suffer harm in a mob fight? And, in a mob fight, be cannon to cannon, broadside to broadside or company to company, the crew is killed, few or many. Is that harm? Is that the harm than you can save? If not, when many crew is killed, How that affect the pcs? How do you think solve that thing?
Thanks. I hope you can understand me.