
thread: 2010-03-18 : First game theory, second game theory

On 2010-03-23, kaare berg wrote:

I can realte to this. When I began to dabble in design I was all about the forge and system does matter. And I look back at my first attempts to build games and at what I produce now. And there is a major difference.

And the biggest difference is how my perception of how the underlying structures of the games work. Or the second stage theory. This also reflects how the norwegian theory scene has gradually changed. Where we once were two diamtriaclly opposed side (namly me versus those cursed Holmestrandian hippies) we are now looking to each other for inspiration and insight.

Which now got me pushing towards my third stage of understanding, where I am now building more intutivly than systematically again. Maybe because I have internalised the previous stages, or maybe because I don't know what I am doing .... again.


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