
thread: 2010-03-18 : First game theory, second game theory

On 2010-03-25, Emily wrote:

kaare: thesis, antithesis, synthesis?

It reminds me of what I've heard from some polyglots. Learning the first new tongue is very difficult. Then the second adds new dimensions, but then the third on you are putting things in places in your mind already created by the earlier work.

Today Eppy & I were talking about a game idea we started on yesterday. Already it feels like something we could try out, and can imagine working. Partly because many of the elements we've seen in play in other games, and we can imagine how they would work together.

The second game, at least for me, was one of the hardest. There were so many layers of fear that I couldn't do it again, or that the first was just a fluke.


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