
thread: 2005-03-11 : Love, Friendship, Romance, Sex

On 2005-03-11, Eric wrote:

Hear, hear.

In this thread about a TRoS space-opera sister game, I pitched a device where an Arthurian-style courtly romance would exist between the pilot and his technician.  I've since pitched that game to the guys at Driftwood/Empire, and expanded a lot upon that concept.  Looking for something where the interpersonals between the two individuals play out as game effects on the starfighter dogfights.

I have some neat ideas on that, we'll see if George and Brian jump at it.  (I'd rather see it as a true TRoS sister-game if possible.)

As to Emily's games, I think that part of the point will be trying to make them comfortable to play.  Faith and doctrine isn't a topic most groups would be hugely comfortable dealing with either, except as an occasional Stakes... but Dogs is comfortable to play.  So three cheers to her - Breaking the Ice is fascinating - but here's hoping 'approachable' can be built in as well.


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