
thread: 2010-03-01 : Reliable vs Unreliable Currency

On 2010-04-26, Callan S. wrote:

"If your character has the higher position, you get +2 to your attack roll."

"With the second rule, your tactical advantage depends upon details of your character's immediate circumstances."

No it doesn't. This is another version of what that rule is saying.

"If Harvey, the invisible six foot rabbit next to the GM, gives it the nod, you get +2 to your attack roll."

Both Harvey and the characters positioning exist as much as each other. They each exist enough to determine the +2, as each other.

Yet while you'll balk at Harvey determining it, I'm staggered how you all still talking about how apparently "no way, the character totally is in a certain position and that totally determines the +2!"


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