
thread: 2010-06-14 : A Bit of Hardcore

On 2010-06-17, Rafael wrote:

Hi everyone,

thanks for all the discussion! And sorry for the delay in my reply; Vincent's mail ended up among my many spam.

Q. What is wrong with the classic gamemaster / player division?
A. Just because the classic GM/player division doesn't fill the breadth of possible good design."

Ok, I'll rephrase my question then:
Q. What advantages does blurring the classic GM/player division bring?

In particular:
"1. Should the players be able to establish facts about things in the game world outside of their own characters' control? Your answer is that they shouldn't in general, I surmise."

My answer is that I anticipate a reduction in immersion if they can, and don't see the compensating advantage. Therefore, I don't see why anyone would prefer to play such games—but clearly, there are people who do, so I'd like to understand why.

I'm going to split (2) into a separate post, since it's generated so much discussion of its own.


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