
thread: 2010-06-14 : A Bit of Hardcore

On 2010-06-18, Simon Rogers wrote:

Simon R.: It's fun to roll to see if you defeat the monster, but rolling to see if you find a book in a library? Not so much.

I think that's because, in real life, we see the results of a fair fight as indeterminate, but the book is either there or it isn't. Therefore, rolling the fight makes the experience more real, whereas rolling the book makes it less real. That's exactly my beef with task resolution.

For me it's not that the result is indeterminate, it's that it lacks dramatic tension. A half-hour fight I'm interested in. Who will win? A half-hour search in the library. Will he find the book? Not at all interesting. Will randomness leave me on the edge of my seat - concerned about the result?

Do you find the book? Yes.
Do you win the fight? Roll the dice.


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