thread: 2010-06-14 : A Bit of Hardcore
On 2010-06-19, Christian Griffen wrote:
First, Rafael, you're right that there are techniques or procedures that can help in the situation I described. Sometimes they'll work great, other times they'll slow the game to a crawl. I prefer using a quick die roll there, but that may just be a matter of taste.
Now, in support of what Paul T. said. I do improv theater these days. My teacher recently said: "just go out there and be your character. Don't worry about being funny; the games we play on stage will take care of that." And he is 100% right. If I bring a strong character into Forward/Reverse or any other game, the game's procedures make it hilarious.
I demand the same from RPGs these days. That the players and GM simply focus on playing interesting characters, and the game's procedures will ensure that we get a satisfying story and experience out of it.
Apocalypse World, so far, is my favorite in that regard. And I think it would be right down your alley, too, from what I've read in this thread. :)