
thread: 2010-06-14 : A Bit of Hardcore

On 2010-07-01, Jesse Burneko wrote:

An interesting notes along these lines: I've occasionally joked that My Life with Master is a GMless game; it's just that one player has a different kind of character to play.

I say that because I noticed that when I GM My Life with Master I spend more time simply playing the Master than I do almost anything else.  And when I'm playing the Townsfolk/Connections I play them largely in terms of their (fearful) relationship with the Master.  Almost like how PCs treat their Relationships in Trollbabe.

I've noticed that trend in my own designs.  I actually prefer GMed games over GMless ones.  However, I also like games with strongly defined "topics."  I've noticed that when I try to design a game around a specific topic I have to put in mechanics to make sure the topic doesn't drift too far.  When I do that the role of the GM either drops out entirely or morphs into a more specialized roll like in My Life with Master.



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