
thread: 2005-03-15 : Cross-gender Play

On 2005-03-15, xenopulse wrote:

1) I'm on Vincent's wavelength here. I play female characters when that presents different issues to explore and different dramatic possibilities. Though I often make that choice consciously. And as an aspiring writer and long-time GM, I have to think about female characters all the time anyway, so I might as well make a couple of my PCs female to explore that further. And I personally think that women are just more interesting than men, probably because I have no first hand experience at being a woman.

2) Well. My first group was completely male, and we played from ages 13 through 21. Starting at age 18 I began playing freeform (or, as I am supposed to call it around Forgies, drama-only) in an environment that was pretty much evenly split and had an active player base of a couple of hundred people (Compuserve's RPGAMES forum). That was an interesting, enlightening and educational experience, to actually roleplay with the other gender, and it certainly changed my view of RPing. That forum has since been closed down, and some of the old players are meeting here and there to play together (one of them created for that purpose). I currently run an Ancient Egypt setting drama-only game there with two female and two male players (plus me as GM).


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