
thread: 2005-03-15 : Cross-gender Play

On 2005-03-15, Matt Wilson wrote:

My position on gender and sex in the oughts is such that I play a woman if I want a complex character that's easy to play, and a man if I want a complex character that's a challenge to play. Depends I suppose on personal laziness and how much I want to center the story on the character as statement.

See, I think the whole gender-roles revolution is going much better for women. Women are doing all sorts of previously-associated-with-men stuff, and they're integrating it nicely into this "but I'm still a woman" package. I'm not saying anyone's at the finish line, but compare that with men doing previously-associated-with-women stuff. In fact, think of a goddamn example of it that isn't portrayed as outlandish or hysterical (imagine if Vaughn cried as much as Sydney on Alias, or hell, if he cried at all). I think it'd be cool to see that kind of stuff on TV, and of course it'd be cool to see it in roleplaying games, but you know it's going to be challenging for everyone involved. In fact I'm doubting it's been done much at all.


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