
thread: 2011-02-17 : Ben Lehman: Playtesting: Stop

On 2011-02-18, David Berg wrote:


I'm digging some of your "how to do it right" advice, but the Rules Problems part is tough for me to get a handle on.  Could you share any examples (e.g. images of your own work or links to others') of:

1) evaluate every possible rules interaction, looking for holes. Use a pencil and paper

2) short cuts: "okay, so let's look at all abilities that work like this: can any of them cause unexpected interactions?"

3) run through most of the common of the interactions, confirm that they basically work

4) really get into your game, understanding its internal logic and appropriateness, which lets you review much faster, and does involve a fair amount of play (even solitaire, see below.)

5) include a cybernetic control system with the human players (accelerate or decelerate the mathematically unstable parts of the system)

Are you talking about something like this (Delve) or this (Poison'd)?



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