
thread: 2011-02-21 : Into the Unknown?

On 2011-04-12, David Berg wrote:

Right.  I was just trying to get more into why you don't think it is; specifically, the limitations of freeform design.  If there's some reason why freeform is really ill-suited to something Delve needs, then I'd love to pin that down and leave it behind, as opposed to wondering, "Maybe if I just turned my principles into a catchy acronym or eye-popping chart..."

I get your point about a broken connection at Dad-interrogating!  I'm just trying to refine the range of solutions I'm considering.

If that's a whole new long discussion, I can understand if you don't wanna go there!  I just thought perhaps this was clearer in your head than it is in mine ("freeform = unclear connections" or some such).


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