
thread: 2011-04-08 : Freeform

On 2011-04-13, Simon C wrote:

Oh no! Communication fail!

So, in some games, Apocalypse World, for example, or D&D, when you say what your character does, that's what they do. You roll the dice to see how that turns out. If it turns out against you, you can't be like "oh no! I take it back!". What's done is done. There's a clear boundary where we're no longer negotiating, and what's in the fiction is settled. You have to commit to what your character is going to do without knowing how it will turn out.

In Ghost Opera, that's not the case so much (and there are better examples than Ghost Opera). You know how things will likely turn out before you say what your character will do. Resolution has happened before you state your intent, because resolution is based on static facts about the characters (what they're doing, what they're willing to do, who they are) rather than decisions made in the moment, reference to real-life resources or dice rolls, and so on.

Is that clearer?


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