
thread: 2011-04-29 : A Fantastic Walking Eye Roundtable

On 2011-05-06, Simon C wrote:

The analogy that comes to mind for me is juggling (fun fact: I used to work as a clown).

Juggling three balls is easy. You can do tricks and stuff. You need the balls to be evenly weighted and the same size.

With a bit of mental effort, you can juggle tougher things, like clubs or rings. If you're really paying attention, you can do one club, one ball, and one ring. Not for long though, it's exhausting.

What really screws things up though is if you've got one ball that's much heavier than the others. It throws off your rythm, and you're spending so much effort keeping that ball going that you lose track of the others.

Rape in games kinda seems like the heavy ball to me. It's not that it's impossible to do anything worthwhile with it, just that it's such a heavy subject, weighted with so much idological baggage, it's hard to keep it in play alongside a bunch of other issues.

That's my intuition, anyway. Possibly in actuality it wouldn't work out like that. Rape mostly doesn't happen in the games I play.


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