
thread: 2011-05-18 : Ben Lehman: Rules and their Functions

On 2011-05-19, Emily wrote:

So it colors play decisions at the level of Color, rather than at the level of Techniques, yeah? Maybe?

I think that latter group of continuous rules is what Emily is talking about.

Yes. "coloring play decisions at the level of color" = "you can change people's normal social system with content"

setting material has a continuous structuring effect. It's positioning, and becomes the material of fictional positioning when it triggers (mediating) mechanical effect—or has substantial effect on your play decisions even if they aren't mechanical.


It colors what we think about, what excites us about the game, what angle we have for characterization and what have you, etc.

Indeed, and some! These are no small potatoes.


This makes...
short response
optional explanation (be brief!):

if you're human, not a spambot, type "human":